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About Me

Zhiwa Woodbury's Biography

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I'm a writer at heart, but an advocate by trade. I have written for peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, and more recently platforms like and Emerge ( on climate-related ecology, science, law and policy my whole adult life.

I blog at, where you can find many of the ideas in this book in their more formative stages. I've been featured in stories on Extinction Rebellion in the Financial Times of London and on Climate Grief in the Sunday Perspective Section of the N.Y. Times. I've also been in the top 99.5 percentile of researchers in the world (by view) on climate psychology since 2019 on's clearinghouse for academic papers, which are freely available by visiting my website

Now that I've synthesized all my research and thinking in this book, and made it freely available, I am returning to political advocacy as the Communications Director for Buffalo Field Campaign in West Yellowstone, Montana. America's last wild buffalo can lead us out of the climate storm - if we let them, and if we honor their connection to Native American culture. 

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